By zehaeva, 15 February, 2024

This is the question that every new student I have asks after a few games played. I've wondered this myself. Through my two decades of playing the game I've read a great deal on the history of the evolution of the board itself.

Today, in general, we play on boards that are 19x19, but this wasn't always so. In Ancient times Go was played on boards from 15x15, 17x17, and 19x19. Somewhere around the 200CE we see everyone settle out on the 19x19 board.

By zehaeva, 13 February, 2024

Where I was

I live in an old house. Not old like built last century, but old "was built before the Civil War" old. The walls are not structured how you would think, the duct work is not how you would think, the electrical is not how you would think, the plumbing is mostly how you would think. Suffice it to say, everything in the house is an addon. Even the bathroom, because most houses just had an outhouse and not a toilet inside back then.

By zehaeva, 24 February, 2016

I've really enjoyed how easy the Let's Encrypt beta/release has gone. Not that I see any real benefit other than being able to go "yeah, my sites have ssl certs, don't yours?" in a shallow disaffected hipster sort of way. There has been one small place where it has gone wrong. And by wrong I mean right because it's working correctly but it cause my sites to be unable to be used by others.

By zehaeva, 8 December, 2015

I love learning, just learning random things and things that I can utilize in my professional life. Data Science has been something that has been tickling me for a while.

By zehaeva, 3 December, 2015

So today the invite only beta for Let's Encrypt has ended and it's started an open beta period. So I decided to do what every other geek on the planet is doing. Set up https on all of their personal websites!

So enjoy browsing this site knowing that the connection is secure.

Not that it matters really, it's just a blog!

By zehaeva, 5 July, 2015

I loved to blog when I were younger. Just pour my thoughts out onto these electronic pages in some kind of insane stream of consciousness that dribbles out in ones and zeros flooding some unknown corner of the internet. a few synapses in this vast artificial brain that we have created to bring us one step closer to each other through out the world.

By zehaeva, 1 October, 2014

A few weeks ago now, and that time has passed mostly because I couldn't be assed to fix this website until just now, I was anxiously hovering over the prospects of going back out to Rochester to see Twenty One Pilots. I say hovered because I wasn't sure I was even going to go. The show was on a Wednesday, Ashley couldn't go because it was a Wednesday and she needed to be at school/work/observation at 6 the following morning, I dislike driving, I dislike going so far alone to be at a concert alone. Now I'm whining.

By zehaeva, 30 July, 2014

This past weekend I went with Ashley to Rochester to see Gogol Bordello and Man Man, which was an amazing concert! We were right up front for whole thing and got some amazing photos! Ashley had a religious experience finally watching her favorite band. She now can empathize with those fainting women who swooned over the Beatles oh so long ago.

By zehaeva, 21 July, 2014

I have been getting into writing a bit more often as of late. Not here, as you can tell, but elsewhere. And by elsewhere I mean in a small black moleskine notebook and in my phone and text documents. I've been writing a lot of poetry, for I now have a new muse who has kindled a great deal of fire and desperation inside me, and gathering ideas for short stories and novels. Thinking back upon last November and why I stopped writing for NaNoWriMo I feel a bit regretful. I think now that I should have kept up with it and finished it.

By zehaeva, 6 June, 2013

This is the second time I've seen this film. I didn't like it the first time. I just didn't enjoy it at all! Now that I am watching it a second time and with an eye towards rating it I can see that the film is good. The imagery that is reinforcing the idea that everything is being wiped away, the scene in the book store brilliantly so, the way the story is told as well. The audio didn't really stick with me however, I can't recall much of it to be honest!